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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lazio-Faire Politics 101

Having a winning political strategy is important to any candidate. Rick Lazio has taken the strategy that I call lazio-faire - If you ignore it (Carl Paladino), it (Paladino) will go away. Carl asks for a debate. Rick ignores it. Carl says something and the press wants a response. Rick ignores it. Rick gets invited to a Tea Party/Reform group convention. Rick ignores it. Have a scheduled event with a Tea Party group. Rick ignores it.

There seems to be a pattern here. I wonder what a Lazio Administration would do. Raising unemployment, ignore it. Raising crime, ignore it. No budget, ignore it. Declining state population, ignore it....etc, etc, etc. You get the idea.

September 14th will tell if the Lazio-faire strategy will work. My guess and my hope is that it won’t.

New Movie Coming

I can't wait to see this new movie: I Want Your Money
Here is the link to the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wty7974IKg

Freedom of Religion

Freedom of Religion. One of the most important of our unalienable rights. The right to worship or not to worship according to the dictates of our conscience. A free society must have this freedom if it is to be truly free.

Now the mosque. Do the Muslims have a right put a mosque in the shadow of ground zero? Yes, they do. Like it or not. However, people do also have the right to object to it and try to convince the Muslims to not put it there. Just like someone would have the right to put a barbecue place right next store to it. This would be my dream - a barbecue place on one side, an evangelical, fundamentalist Baptist church on the other side. Uuuhhhmmm, that would smell like freedom me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I Quess We Can't Handle The Truth

After all the hoopla last week about the last combat troops leaving Iraq, what I find out is that what they said wasn't exactly true. Here is a copy of an article from The Army Times:

Combat brigades in Iraq under different name

7 Advise and Assist Brigades, made up of troops from BCTs, still in Iraq

By Kate Brannen - Staff writer

Posted : Saturday Aug 21, 2010 16:10:59 EDT

As the final convoy of the Army’s 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, based at Fort Lewis, Wash., entered Kuwait early Thursday, a different Stryker brigade remained in Iraq.

Soldiers from the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Infantry Division are deployed in Iraq as members of an Advise and Assist Brigade, the Army’s designation for brigades selected to conduct security force assistance.

So while the “last full U.S. combat brigade” have left Iraq, just under 50,000 soldiers from specially trained heavy, infantry and Stryker brigades will stay, as well as two combat aviation brigades.

Compared with the 49,000 soldiers in Iraq, there are close to 67,000 in Afghanistan and another 9,700 in Kuwait, according to the latest Army chart on global commitments dated Aug. 17. Under an agreement with the Iraqi government, all U.S. troops must be out of Iraq by Dec. 31, 2011.

There are seven Advise and Assist Brigades in Iraq, as well as two additional National Guard infantry brigades “for security,” said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Craig Ratcliff.

Last year, the Army decided that rather than devote permanent force structure to the growing security force assistance mission, it would modify and augment existing brigades.

The Army has three different standard brigade combat teams: infantry, Stryker and heavy. To build an Advise and Assist Brigade, the Army selects one of these three and puts it through special training before deploying.

The Army selected brigade combat teams as the unit upon which to build advisory brigades partly because they would be able to retain their inherent capability to conduct offensive and defensive operations, according to the Army’s security force assistance field manual, which came out in May 2009. This way, the brigade can shift the bulk of its operational focus from security force assistance to combat operations if necessary.

To prepare for their mission in Iraq, heavy, infantry and Stryker brigades receive specialized training that can include city management courses, civil affairs training and border patrol classes.

As far as equipment goes, the brigades either brought their gear with them or used equipment left behind that is typical to their type of brigade, said Ratcliff.

The first Advise and Assist Brigade — the 4th Brigade Combat Team of the 1st Armored Division from Fort Bliss, Texas — deployed last spring to Iraq, serving as a “proof of principle” for the advisory brigade concept.

Of the seven Advise and Assist Brigades still in Iraq, four are from the 3rd Infantry Division, based at Fort Stewart, Ga. The 1st Heavy Brigade of the 1st Armored Division, based at Fort Bliss, and the 3rd Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division, based at Fort Carson, Colo., are also serving as Advise and Assist Brigades.

The 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team of the 25th Infantry Division is based at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. A combat medic from that unit was killed Aug. 15 when his Stryker combat vehicle was hit with grenades, according to press reports.

Two combat aviation brigades also remain in Iraq, according to Dan O’Boyle, Redstone Arsenal spokesman. Three more are deployed in Afghanistan, where there are currently no Advise and Assist Brigades.

I think I can handle the truth if someone in government or the press would just try me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not Hope and Change But A Hopeless Chain

It's time for us to get over the flash, dazzle, and spin that we get from the media. It's time we demand substance from people running for public office. Here 's a link to an articale from the British Telegragh online. This guy understands. I think that many Americans are getting the idea now.
Here's a link: Nile Gardiner

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Equity or Redefinition?

There has been a lot of talk, fighting, name calling, court cases and rulings about same-sex marriage. Its been looked at from many different angles but I don't think that anyone has looked at it for what it really is - the redefining of what marriage has been historically.

Most of the pro-same-sex marriage arguments will call it a rights issue or will attack the "Christian" slant of most of their opponents. However, marriage didn't start in 30 A.D. It didn't start with Moses. Cultures never having any association with the Judeo-Christian traditions have had marriage and those marriages have had one thing in common - they have been between a man and a woman. The Chinese, the Japanese, Southeast Asia, Northern Europe, the Western Hemisphere - where do you see same-sex marriage? Even in cultures that gave approval to homosexuality, the Greeks among others, "marriage" was between a man and a woman.

I believe that the same-sex marriage crowd fall into 2 camps. One is for tax advantages. The second is just anti-christian. For the tax camp, it just shows more problems with the income based tax system. For the anti-christian camp, they have always been angling to minimize the power of the christian faith and always will. But we have been here for 2000 years and will until the Lord comes to take us out (rapture).

I could go on but must stop for now. So for same-sex marriage to be legitimate we would have to redefine what marriage is.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Another Reform/Primary Challenge Win!

Today 30,000 signatures on petitions to have a Taxpayer line on the November ballot have been taken to the New York State Board of Elections. This combined with the 28,000 Republican signatures means that 58,000 New Yorkers have taken a real step forward for change.

Some people didn't think that Carl would be able to get the 15,000 necessary to force a Republican primary but he did and so did the many volunteers across New York. They did that and more! Many of these volunteers were Primary Challenge people.

Here 's a word of warning to the liberal elite, do not underestimate us. Don't underestimate the anger and resentment that we have for being ignored for so many years.

On second thought, go ahead and underestimate us. But we will not underestimate you!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

State stands up to the Federal Government!!

Let's hear it for Mo. They voted overwhelmingly to reject the Federal mandate to purchase health insurance.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Hot Waters or Just Trying to Brew Up A Storm?

This fall California Congresswoman Maxine Waters will face an ethics investigation by the House. Are members of the House starting to take ethics seriously or, as I'm guessing, is this a ploy to stir up blacks for the fall elections? How sleazy and manipulative, but I don't expect much better. I guess I don't have high standards anymore when it comes to judging the behavior of politicians.

Constitution Invalid: Congress can do anything it wants?

Here's a link to very disturbing video. Why do people like this get elected to Congress? I blame the electorate, the people who voted for him.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Shocking News!!!!

Two days ago, Liberal Democrat Steve Levy has endorsed Liberal Republican Rick Lazio for New York state governor!!!! I can't believe it!!

What else would he do?