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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Notes to politcians and nitwits who need help!

Last week I got an e-mail about the Erie County Conservative party acting like the Erie County Conservative party always acts - spineless, deceitful, and cowardly. Why is anyone surprised? A couple of points about this.

1. Calling for the chairman of a party to be removed from that party when you don’t belong to and you have no control over it is useless. If it’s that important join that party.

2. Dealing with them or not dealing with them will not affect the way that they do business.

3. Here is a word of wisdom for those who call others “arrogant” - candidates need these parties, these parties don’t need these candidates. This leads to something that “Tea Party” groups need to understand, until you have something that the parties want and can control it they will do what they want. What is that something? Money or power (control over a strong voting block). With out these we will just be on the outside holding witty signs but always on the outside.

On point 3, groups like Primary Challenge or Tea New York have began to gain that necessary power. That doesn’t mean the we have arrived but the work so many did to organize across the state and to get the 28,000 signatures to get Carl Paladino on the ballot shows that these groups have some power. Lenny, Rus, and sooo many others are to be commended. I‘m proud to be a part of these groups. Now we must use this power. Let people know that we were the ones that got this done, against the odds.

(I’m almost embarrassed to include myself since I didn’t do as much as others, but I did do a lot of the preparation - making videos, putting them on disks, getting walking lists ready, getting some signatures( a few sheets),... Maybe I did more than I thought?)

I only hope that we don’t squander this on infighting and quests for personal glory.

Note to nitwits who may read this - This is how to get things done!

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