It's been a while since I've written. Between school work, shoveling snow, and being sick for what seemed like 2 months I haven't thought about writing anything. Of course, it could also be that it took awhile to get over the disappointment of the November elections, locally. After seeing so many people put so much effort into several campaigns and to see the same results was very discouraging. I think I'm over it now.
I have been thinking a lot about what has been going on locally, across the country, and around the world. Frankly, I would be surprised if the things happening now aren't setting up the end times scenarios of the Bible.
Locally, the stepping down of Chris Lee certainly seems to have brought out the worst in some people. We all know that the GOP county chairmen wouldn't take long to show that they are in charge. Jane Corwin isn't a bad choice but it might have been good to examine a few people before jumping to Jane.
As far as a third party candidate, David Bellavia seems to have attracted some tea party support but I have a question, "Where was Dave last fall?" I don't ever remember seeing his name before last week. Shouldn't the tea parties support someone who has supported them? And besides being a very decorated Vet what has he done? I may not be a "decorated" Vet, but I am a vet. Does that make me a good candidate? hummmm???? Oh, never mind.
In Wisconsin the legislature is trying to end state employee's collective bargaining rights. Here's an idea - allow them to keep the right to collectively bargain but don't allow them as unions to lobby, support candidates, advertise (I'd love this here - no more Danny Donahue), form PACs, have private unions do these things for them, or be able to join national labor unions. I know the unions wouldn't like this but I think it could be workable.
Around the world, what was the spark the set the Muslim world ablaze? I don't remember. Was there one? The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if this could be manufacture by people who would benefit by having say, oil prices skyrocket. Nah, no one would be like that.
I'm still disappointed with the man who has the title of President of the United States. I know he is not natural born. Both parents were not U.S. citizens. This is a problem but I am really tired of Presidents ignoring the law just because they don't like it. The Defence Of Marriage Act is the law. Do you job, Barry.
I guess I have vented enough for now. I close with a prayer. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.
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