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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Someone Forgot to Tell Me.

One of the more laughable things I heard from the "well-respected" Green Party Candidate, Ian Murphy was that at least he wasn't a millionaire. I guess I wasn't paying attention on the day that they taught that being a millionaire was bad. I am a Tea Party guy. I'm a Tea Party guy because I believe in the principles of our founding Fathers. Yes, I know they were not perfect but their principles were well founded. When Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we were endowed with certain unalienable rights he made sure that people knew that the one endowing was God. He also put in a phase that most people seem to forget. When we speak of our unalienable rights we tend to think that there are three: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The forgotten phase is "...that among these are...". This means that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are among the unalienable rights. This means that there are more. One of these is one that Jefferson chose to replace in the list. He borrowed the first two items in his list of three from John Locke, the 18th century English philosopher. Locke's list included "estate."

What is "Estate?" Simply, it is the right to use the fruit of your labor. Meaning that there is this thing called property rights. You know, what is yours is yours. It belongs to you. It does not belong to a king, a president, a congress, your country, or even your neighbor!!! The government does not have the right to take what is yours and give it to your neighbor. Whether you are poor or rich. Whether you have a lot or a little. It's yours, not your neighbors. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that you shouldn't give to help others. It is yours. You have that right and a caring person feels an obligation to help those who don't have. That is what "love" is all about. What I am saying is that no government has the right to decide how much you can have. You have the right to keep what you have earned and control it. That is "Estate" and that is an Unalienable Right. Some people either don't remember that or just don't care especially when it's your "estate"

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