Political views from the ground level. One man's opinions of events that shape his world. They maybe local(Western New York), state, national, or international.
Other Blogs to read
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
News Flash!!!!!!
I think it's time for us to investigate things for ourselves and not let the press generate our excitement for us. They almost all a bunch of leftist DEM cheerleaders anyway. Don't be manipulated. Research, THINK!
Reality Check Time
O.K. You're back now. How was it? What do you mean you couldn't grab it. It was right there in front of you. You could see it. You knew what it looked like.
Alright, enough foolishness. What was the point of that? Reality. The pictures and the recipes are there to show you what you could have, if you go to the store, buy the food, bring it home, prepare it, cook it, serve it. There is a process to get for the picture to the reality.
The concepts and abstracts are good to shoot for but there is a reality that must be dealt with. The Reality is there is a political structure that is in place with its own power structure. It gives the illusion that it is transparent but we all know it is not. The real question is how to make the concepts and abstracts the new reality? Do we marginalize ourselves by acting like complete morons in public meetings. Do we join together to support very marginal "Tea Party" candidates who have NO CHANCE of winning just to "get" the MACHINE.
OR do we take an approach where we present ourselves as reasonable, rational people who haven't forgotten the concepts and abstracts but who understand that to get there it will take time and effort, maybe a lot of both. People who are willing to work with the system but work to not be infected by it.
The second is the only one that will work and the only one that has a real plan, not just a means to advance one person's business.
2 postscripts:
1. What is LIBERTY? ( I know what I think. What about you?)
2. A republic is a government that has representatives. The Roman Republic was a republic but not everyone was able to enjoy the benefits. Most of the population were slaves or conquered people. Two modern examples of republics without liberty are the Peoples Republic of China and the U.S.S.R. Both are (and were) republics in name but neither in practice. So it is possible to have a republic without liberty.
Monday, May 30, 2011
How to Really Honor our Fallen Heroes Every Day
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A Need for Time of National Repentance?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
By BETSY MCCAUGHEY (from The New York Post, May 24, 2011)
In today's special election for the 26th
district US House seat in western New York, Democrats are trying out a tactic
they're sure to use nationwide in 2012 -- the obscenely false claim that they will save "Medicare as we know it" from Republican efforts to reform it.
The truth is, the Obama health law, passed by Democrats last year, already eviscerated Medicare -- though seniors won't feel the effects for some time. And the reform plan Democrats are attacking -- Rep. Paul Ryan's entitlement-reform vision -- would undo much of the damage, while charting a new course to ensure Medicare doesn't run out of money.
"Medicare as we know it" can't survive ObamaCare's cuts of $575 billion from the program's funding over the next decade. Just as outrageous is that the Obama law stole $410 billion of those
"savings" to expand eligibility for Medicaid.
It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul -- but it's robbing Grandma to create a whole new class of government dependants.
The nation needs to spend less on government, and entitlement reform is key. Instead, the ObamaCare law starts new entitlements -- with its vast expansion of Medicaid and a new insurance program for the middle class -- then imposes sacrifices on seniors to (partly) pay for these new obligations.
The administration's own actuaries say Medicare will spend $14,731 per senior in 2019, instead of $16,162 if the health law hadn't passed. That's less care for seniors. Richard Foster, the chief actuary for Medicare, testified to Congress that the Obama law makes such severe cuts that some
hospitals may stop taking Medicare.
Such cuts might be justifiable if the "savings" extended Medicare's financial life, as President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius often claim. In fact, the Obama law just pays less to those who treat Medicare patients, then uses the cash for something else entirely. Raiding Medicare leaves less money to care for future retirees.
So what can that next generation, retiring a decade from now, count on? The Obama law puts those decision in the hands of an unelected board called the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB -- a cost-cutting panel.
The board is a radical departure from Medicare as we've known it. On the pretext that budgeting decisions should be shielded from outraged seniors and political pressures, the Democratic Congress handed nearly all control of Medicare spending to IPAB. In April, the president reiterated that the board would decide what care is "unnecessary" for seniors, and added that he wants its unprecedented powers increased.
Last week, Obama indicated that he'd like to reduce the deficit by taking another $200 billion from Medicare over the next decade. That would be IPAB's job, too.
Yet IPAB is drawing fire from many who pushed hard for the ObamaCare law -- including the AARP and Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.).
Ryan's reform, passed by House Republicans early this year, would repeal the ObamaCare law in full, thereby restoring the $575 stolen from Medicare and ending IPAB. But, to keep the program sustainable in the decades ahead, the Ryan plan would (starting in 2022) give each new Medicare enrollee a choice of private health plans and pay a premium to the policy chosen. He argues that seniors would be safer choosing their own health plan rather than putting their care in the hands of the cost-cutting IPAB panel.
Let's hope voters examine the plain facts -- because one thing is clear: Obama and the Democratic Party are not saving Medicare "as we know it."
Betsy McCaughey is the author of "The Obama Health Law: What It Says and How To Overturn It."
Monday, May 23, 2011
Time to Change Some Old Stereotyoes
I don't know how the 26th Congressional race will turn out (we'll all find out tomorrow) or the local races this fall but it has to become our focus to change these misconceptions. I'm not rich but don't try to trick me with this class-envy garbage. This all goes back to property rights and the purpose of government. Both are lost concepts in this dumbed-down age.
I've written about property rights before so I won't get into that again. But I have to ask, "Who gave the government the right to redistribute wealth"? I don't think anyone did. They just assumed that they had the right. It goes back to the first 3 decades of the 2oth century, when the elite became enamored with the ideas of Marx and Engle. It actually goes back farther than that when the top European colleges and seminaries moved away from biblical concepts and took the ideas of the rationalists and secular humanists. There those ideas were disseminated to minds full of mush. Unfortunately those mush-minds were very well connected and moved into places of leadership in government and academia. There those ideas became part of new American thought.
As I have written before the Founding Fathers knew and accepted the Bible as the Word of God, even those who some try to make out as only "deists". While many had trouble living by the Bible , they at least understood it and knew that it was the only hope of making this new system work.
Most of the problems we have as a nation go back to the days when Americans set aside the ideas of our Founding Fathers and became enamored with European ideas. Makes you wonder, "Why do some many want to Europeanize us"?
More later on what is the function of government.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Webster says:OBSESSION
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Letter to "you know who you are."
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
An Open Letter to Tony
While I agree with the fact that there are problems with the party, just being right isn’t always enough. The idea is to change the way people think and if no one will listen to you, what good will it do? A lesson from history – Franklin and Adams had the same goal on their mission to France (to get French support for the revolution). Who made it happen? The diplomat or the non-diplomat? The Diplomat. Adams was so impatient that he was removed from France. There is a time and a place for impassioned rhetoric and a time and place for diplomacy. The wise man knows what time it is and how to act. If you come across with a condescending attitude, If you disrupt meetings to show your contempt, why would anyone take you seriously? Be wise.
A second point.
If the machine supports the most tea party of all the candidates why support a
non-tea party candidate just to spite them. Jack Davis is not tea party! I saw the Peter Schiff video you put up. If Peter is right (and he is) how can you support Davis?
You and your cohorts seem to think that there is gong to be this ground-swell where people will suddenly rise up and threw off the oppression of "The Machine". Again history is not on your side. Jefferson correctly wrote that people will endure difficult situations as long as it is tolerable because they don't like change very much. There will be no ground-swell. The situation is bad but to most it is not intolerable. The only thing that Davis will do is allow a Liberal Democrat take the office. I do wonder if the DEMs aren't paying Jack to run. It is the only way they could have had a chance of winning. Are you encouraged by the thought that you are being played by "The Other Machine"? At least Jim and Dave made a few bucks on the deal. Were you and Allen able to cash in to?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
America's Greatest Need
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tea Party Principle part 3
Can anyone explain:
How are “balanced trade”, tariffs, and tax increases that they
cause part of the tea party movement or free-market thinking?
Aren’t tariffs a source of government revenue i.e., a tax?
How does increasing the cost of all goods and services
benefit the consumer?
How does a “Tea Party” candidate embrace these things and
still get the support of other “tea party” people?
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
The Tea Principle Part 2
The question must be asked, “Who is the sell-out?”
The Tea Principle Part 1
So much has been made by some as to what “Tea Party” principles are. So many have co-opted
the name to make it fit their own ideas that many really do not know what those principles are.
To understand this you have to go to the beginning. Yes, that’s right way back to December 16, 1773. What was that about? Was it about political machines? NO! Was it about monetary policy? NO! Was it about the FED (Federal Reserve Board)? NO! It was about taxes! Our Founding Fathers were upset about taxes. They didn’t want to pay more taxes, so they threw the “taxed” tea into Boston Harbor. Did you get that? Taxes. Now we have a lot of problems that need to be addressed but the one, the only “TEA PARTY” principle is TAXES and being opposed to them!!!!!!!
This leads us to the “Tea Party” candidate for congress in the 26th district, Jack Davis. Jack is a one-trick pony. He has one issue and only one that he cares about and that is TRADE. Oh, you will see he has other positions but they aren’t his. I think I know who wrote those for him. But Jack is a one-trick pony. His trick is trade. What is his position on his one-trick? To understand this we need to go back, not to 1773 but back to when Jack was running before.
This leads us to a recent Blog. I appreciate when someone points out something that many have overlooked. On the website, The Lonely Conservative, Sam Foster went back and looked at Jack’s one-trick position in the past. It seems that Jack is for “Balanced Trade”. What is “Balanced Trade”? It is the
imposition of balancing tariffs on all imported goods. What is a “tariff”? Webster’s says,
Tariff- 1a: a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods b: a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule
2: a schedule of rates or charges of a business or a public utility
What is a “duty”? Webster’s says,
Duty - 4: tax; especially: a tax on imports
It’s a what? A TAX? Remember the one and only, the true and original “TEA PARTY” principle? It was Taxes and being opposed to them. SO IF JACK WANTS TO INCREASE TAXES, HOW IS HE A TEA PARTY GUY? It’s pretty clear that he isn’t.