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Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Really Honor our Fallen Heroes Every Day

We have heard the phase, "Freedom doesn't come cheap" and it is true. This is Memorial Day. It is the day that we honor those who gave the last full measure to either win or keep our freedom. We have had parades. We have had speeches. The taps have been played. Tears have been shed on a day to remember the who paid the price.

As I thought about the day, I wondered what can we do to pay our part of the cost? I'm over 50. I can't join the armed forces again. Some may say I already did my part, almost 5 years active duty plus that little more than a year in the reserves. I did my part, right? I don't think so. What can I do? What can you do?

The best thing that we can do is to use the hard won freedoms well. We need to become informed about politics and world events. We need to understand the intellectual foundations for this nation. We need to be diligent in protecting the freedoms that were won. Our cost of freedom is constant vigilance. This includes voting.

Sadly, slothfulness has crept in. There was an election just last week. Twenty-one percent of the registered voters voted in that election. That means that 79% weren't willing to even go to a polling place to protect their freedom. That result is typical of most elections. What an insult to the fallen that we take so lightly the freedom that they paid so dearly to give to us.

If we truly want to honor our fallen heroes we need to get involved in the political process.

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