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Friday, May 20, 2011


Webster says:OBSESSION

: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly : compelling motivation obsession with profits>
In this case it is an obsession with "THE MACHINE". (dah, dah, dahhhh)
I look at the website: Political Class Dismissed when I need a good laugh. If you have ever looked at it then you understand "Obsession". The blogger there, political hack and skilled fantasy writer, Jim Ostrowski is obsessed. To him the most evil thing in the world is "THE MACHINE". (dah, dah, dahhhh)
Now I understand that those who are political party executives and party leaders are not perfect. Frankly, they often show an incredible amount of ineptitude and arrogance mixed with a Machiavellian corruptness. They control the money. They control the endorsements. They do have a lot of power. They are symbols of the Old Way of doing things, when most people didn't really know or care about the political process. I agree that it is a way that needs to go because it does exclude most people from the process.
BUT to be so fixed on "THE MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) that nothing else matters then you are "obsessed". It is especially strange when it is only one "MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) that seems to bother him, the GOP one. So obsessed is he that he doesn't mind if the DEM "MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) uses him and the rest of the Sour Grapes Coalition to put a liberal democrat into an office that has been a dominated by the GOP. He doesn't care if conservative or libertarian values are trashed as long as "THE MACHINE" (dah,dah, dahhhh) is beaten. Prop up a businessman with strong liberal leanings whose only platform is to use tariffs to suppress trade. A policy that any REAL libertarian rejects because it destroys the "FREE-MARKET" and increases the cost of goods and services. Put the TEA PARTY label on him and do everything you can to deceive the public. It's O.K. because all these are inconsequential because you must beat "THE MACHINE". (dah,dah, dahhhh)
I believe with all my heart the he and the other members of the TPC are doing a great disservice to the people of the 26th district and the Tea Party cause in general. I know that things need to be fixed and I think we can do it without betraying REAL, CORE TEA PARTY VALUES which he is replacing with his obsession.

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