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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An Open Letter to Tony


While I agree with the fact that there are problems with the party, just being right isn’t always enough. The idea is to change the way people think and if no one will listen to you, what good will it do? A lesson from history – Franklin and Adams had the same goal on their mission to France (to get French support for the revolution). Who made it happen? The diplomat or the non-diplomat? The Diplomat. Adams was so impatient that he was removed from France. There is a time and a place for impassioned rhetoric and a time and place for diplomacy. The wise man knows what time it is and how to act. If you come across with a condescending attitude, If you disrupt meetings to show your contempt, why would anyone take you seriously? Be wise.

A second point.

If the machine supports the most tea party of all the candidates why support a
non-tea party candidate just to spite them. Jack Davis is not tea party! I saw the Peter Schiff video you put up. If Peter is right (and he is) how can you support Davis?

You and your cohorts seem to think that there is gong to be this ground-swell where people will suddenly rise up and threw off the oppression of "The Machine". Again history is not on your side. Jefferson correctly wrote that people will endure difficult situations as long as it is tolerable because they don't like change very much. There will be no ground-swell. The situation is bad but to most it is not intolerable. The only thing that Davis will do is allow a Liberal Democrat take the office. I do wonder if the DEMs aren't paying Jack to run. It is the only way they could have had a chance of winning. Are you encouraged by the thought that you are being played by "The Other Machine"? At least Jim and Dave made a few bucks on the deal. Were you and Allen able to cash in to?

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