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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Tea Principle Part 1

So much has been made by some as to what “Tea Party” principles are. So many have co-opted
the name to make it fit their own ideas that many really do not know what those principles are.

To understand this you have to go to the beginning. Yes, that’s right way back to December 16, 1773. What was that about? Was it about political machines? NO! Was it about monetary policy? NO! Was it about the FED (Federal Reserve Board)? NO! It was about taxes! Our Founding Fathers were upset about taxes. They didn’t want to pay more taxes, so they threw the “taxed” tea into Boston Harbor. Did you get that? Taxes. Now we have a lot of problems that need to be addressed but the one, the only “TEA PARTY” principle is TAXES and being opposed to them!!!!!!!

This leads us to the “Tea Party” candidate for congress in the 26th district, Jack Davis. Jack is a one-trick pony. He has one issue and only one that he cares about and that is TRADE. Oh, you will see he has other positions but they aren’t his. I think I know who wrote those for him. But Jack is a one-trick pony. His trick is trade. What is his position on his one-trick? To understand this we need to go back, not to 1773 but back to when Jack was running before.

This leads us to a recent Blog. I appreciate when someone points out something that many have overlooked. On the website, The Lonely Conservative, Sam Foster went back and looked at Jack’s one-trick position in the past. It seems that Jack is for “Balanced Trade”. What is “Balanced Trade”? It is the
imposition of balancing tariffs on all imported goods. What is a “tariff”? Webster’s says,

Tariff- 1a: a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods b: a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule

2: a schedule of rates or charges of a business or a public utility

3: price, charge

What is a “duty”? Webster’s says,

Duty - 4: tax; especially: a tax on imports

It’s a what? A TAX? Remember the one and only, the true and original “TEA PARTY” principle? It was Taxes and being opposed to them. SO IF JACK WANTS TO INCREASE TAXES, HOW IS HE A TEA PARTY GUY? It’s pretty clear that he isn’t.

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