Other Blogs to read

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

barstool ecomonics

I love this video.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Stupid Parrots or Just a Day in the Life of the Media

Rush Limbaugh has done this so successfully. Sound clips of the media and liberal politicians regurgitating the same word or phrase to label someone or some group. Do you remember "Gravitas"? Did you ever hear that phrase except when the media in mass used it against George W. Bush.

Well, the media is doing it to the Tea Party. Now we are "Terrorists". Not just one person but the whole group. Have you ever heard of anything so ridiculous? Obama makes threats against congressman and citizens but we are the terrorist. The government can do all kinds of things to invade our privacy but we are terrorists.

What a joke. I hope someone of influence calls them on this. They will look like the idiots that they are.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Norwiegan killer not a Christian!

A survey of Ander Berhing Beivik's manifesto reveals he is not a "Fundamental Christian" after all. He believes that everyone in a Protestant church should go back to the Catholic church to provide a unified front to Islam. Definitely not a Fundamentalist!!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Separation of Church and State

A friend of mine sent out an open letter about the separation of church and state. This is my reply:

Most of the problem with the doctrine of the "separation of church and state" is that so many don't have a clue as to what the doctrine actually is.

After reading this letter I went to my library and opened a book titled, Martyrs Mirror. It was written in 1660 and is account of Christian martyrs from the early church to the middle of the 17th century. The most interesting parts to me deal with the 16th and 17th century Anabaptists who were martyred in countries that were part of the reformation just like they were but they could not join the national churches because the national church's doctrine of infant baptism violated their own belief in believers baptism. As a result they were persecuted and martyred. Similar things happened in this nation before and AFTER the revolution. States like Massachusetts and Virginia required residents to be members of the state church. Those who were not members were persecuted and prosecuted.

The First Amendment and the "separation of church and state" was meant was to protect citizens and visitors from those requirements and their penalties. This doctrine was never envisioned by our founding fathers to keep Christians and our moral beliefs out of the public arena or out of our laws. As a matter of fact, the founding fathers were depending on actively involved Christians to keep the country on the right path.

If the separation of church and state is a problem then it's because some are using it as an excuse for being slothful when it comes to involvement in their communities.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Why? Intro

I have thought about this for a while and I guess it's time do this. I am going to start a series of blogs about religions. Mostly it will be why I can't be part that religion, such as Islam or Mormonism.

I will start with Islam and work across to other ones as I do research and build my case. I will try not to attack or demean that religion but will try to explain why I cannot practice that religion.

I know that some will say that Biblical Christianity is not a religion. I know and understand that but for practical reasons I will refer to it as a religion, separate from other religions and even other forms of Christianity.

I know that the blog is called "Political Grunt" and that should be the focus of the blog. To be honest with you though a person's politics and a person's faith are really inseparable. If other words, how you views the world's creator effects how you view the world and that includes politics.

Much of what I will write about will have to do with that nature and character of God. Who is He? What is He like? What has He done? I think if I can explain what I believe and why in comparison to those other religions it may open some dialog and some may be converted to the the glorious truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

How Can You Tell the Difference Between Parties?

How can you tell the difference between parties? Sometimes it is very hard but there is a simple test. Let a Republican Congressman do something stupid like take a picture of himself with his shirt off, send it to someone other than his wife, get caught, and he resigns. Let a Democrat Congressman take a picture of his crotch, send it to someone other than his wife, get caught, and he goes on TV and says he that he can't say "with certitude" whether its his body or not.

Let me say this, if a picture shows up on the Internet and someone says it's my crotch, I can say with absolute certitude that it is not mine!!!!! I would know. I would have to be there!!

This leads to what should be an obvious conclusion, while the Republicans are not perfect, the Democrats are completely lacking in ethics!!! Remember back to the Clinton impeachment. Everyone kept saying it is only about sex. No it wasn't. It was about a sitting Governor having State Police bring a state employee to a hotel room so that the Governor could have sex with her. Doesn't that constitute a criminal offence but the DEM did care. It was all about keeping that office. The only good thing about that was that we didn't get stuck with pin-head Al Gore as president.

The list of DEM offences without any serious consequences could go on, Teddy Kennedy and the threesome under the restaurant table, Barney Frank and his pimp boyfriend, the rape allegation against Clinton. It just goes to show that when it comes to sex the Democrats have no ethics.

(Sometimes this is too easy) Come on Congressman Wiener, at least have the B_ _ _s to says it's yours.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Any building that will last requires a good foundation. Any political thought that will last also requires a good foundation. The political thought of our Founding Fathers had a good foundation. That foundation was Calvinistic, at least in the first of its instructive acrostic, TULIP.
The "T" stands for "Total Depravity". (The rest is: U-unconditional election, L- limited atonement, I- irresistible grace, P- perseverance of the saints.)
What is "Total Depravity"? It is the belief that men, all men (and women) are sinners and without hope in themselves to satisfy the righteous demands of a holy God. No only are we positionally sinners but we are sinners in our conduct. There are many passages of scripture which point this out: Psalm 14:2-4, Jeremiah 17:9,Romans 3:10-18, 23. It means that each of us is capable of the most heinous acts, and can and will act in a selfish way. This is true of criminal behavior and political behavior.
Our Founding Fathers realized this and put into the Constitution a system of checks and balances. This system pits one man's or group of men's depravity against another's, so that the only way to get anything done is to compromise. That is why when there is gridlock in D.C. you know that everything is working as it should. Theoretically, nothing should get done unless most people are getting something of what they want.
This is how things get done in this country. People who don't always agree with each will agree to do a little bit less than both like but something that both can live with. It is Compromise. It is Politics. It is ...... the American Way. You just have to get yourself into a position where your voice will be heard.
Now the counter side of this is to make sure that you don't go in naively, thinking just because you're there that you have arrived. It is a nasty game that you must be ready for. You should develop a power base that can be used and then use it.
Here in New York we are learning the game very slowly. We have worked to get a non-party endorsed candidate as the GOP candidate for governor. Now things didn't work out as we would have liked. Party bosses can be very vengeful. But we have shown that we have the power to get things done. Now it is time to exercise that power a little, to act in a selfish way for our best interests. This all part of learning the "game."
So compromise isn't a bad thing as long as you don't lose your integrity in the process and sell your soul to get what you want.

Thank you to the DNC

I, on behalf of all right-leaning bloggers, would like the extend a warm thank you to the Democratic National Committee for the selection of Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz as your chairperson. Joe Biden has been unable to pull the gag out of his mouth lately and that has left us a little short of material. However, we now a new gaffe-a-minute gal, Rep. Wasserman-Schultz.

I just saw three in a short clip via CNSnews.com. Ready? O.K. She said Republicans think that illegal immigration should be a crime. (Brief explanation for any liberals reading this. A synonym for "illegal" is "criminal". By definition, it is a crime) Next she said, if it were up to Republicans we would all be driving foreign cars. Guess what she drives? An Infinity (Foreign car) Lastly, she said she supports a president who is pro Israel. Maybe she isn't as big of an Obama fan as we thought.

Anyway, Thanks for the laughs Deb and keep'em comin'. I'm sure you will.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

News Flash!!!!!!

This just in: The press is not impressed with the current crop of GOP candidates for president. What a shock.

I think it's time for us to investigate things for ourselves and not let the press generate our excitement for us. They almost all a bunch of leftist DEM cheerleaders anyway. Don't be manipulated. Research, THINK!

Reality Check Time

Strange exercise time - I want you to leave this site and go to one that features food. You know the one's with beautiful pictures the most delicious looking food you have ever seen. Then I want you to put your hands on those pictures, grab that food, and eat it. Then come back here after you've clean up your face and hands. Go on. I'll wait.

O.K. You're back now. How was it? What do you mean you couldn't grab it. It was right there in front of you. You could see it. You knew what it looked like.

Alright, enough foolishness. What was the point of that? Reality. The pictures and the recipes are there to show you what you could have, if you go to the store, buy the food, bring it home, prepare it, cook it, serve it. There is a process to get for the picture to the reality.

The concepts and abstracts are good to shoot for but there is a reality that must be dealt with. The Reality is there is a political structure that is in place with its own power structure. It gives the illusion that it is transparent but we all know it is not. The real question is how to make the concepts and abstracts the new reality? Do we marginalize ourselves by acting like complete morons in public meetings. Do we join together to support very marginal "Tea Party" candidates who have NO CHANCE of winning just to "get" the MACHINE.

OR do we take an approach where we present ourselves as reasonable, rational people who haven't forgotten the concepts and abstracts but who understand that to get there it will take time and effort, maybe a lot of both. People who are willing to work with the system but work to not be infected by it.

The second is the only one that will work and the only one that has a real plan, not just a means to advance one person's business.

2 postscripts:
1. What is LIBERTY? ( I know what I think. What about you?)
2. A republic is a government that has representatives. The Roman Republic was a republic but not everyone was able to enjoy the benefits. Most of the population were slaves or conquered people. Two modern examples of republics without liberty are the Peoples Republic of China and the U.S.S.R. Both are (and were) republics in name but neither in practice. So it is possible to have a republic without liberty.

Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Really Honor our Fallen Heroes Every Day

We have heard the phase, "Freedom doesn't come cheap" and it is true. This is Memorial Day. It is the day that we honor those who gave the last full measure to either win or keep our freedom. We have had parades. We have had speeches. The taps have been played. Tears have been shed on a day to remember the who paid the price.

As I thought about the day, I wondered what can we do to pay our part of the cost? I'm over 50. I can't join the armed forces again. Some may say I already did my part, almost 5 years active duty plus that little more than a year in the reserves. I did my part, right? I don't think so. What can I do? What can you do?

The best thing that we can do is to use the hard won freedoms well. We need to become informed about politics and world events. We need to understand the intellectual foundations for this nation. We need to be diligent in protecting the freedoms that were won. Our cost of freedom is constant vigilance. This includes voting.

Sadly, slothfulness has crept in. There was an election just last week. Twenty-one percent of the registered voters voted in that election. That means that 79% weren't willing to even go to a polling place to protect their freedom. That result is typical of most elections. What an insult to the fallen that we take so lightly the freedom that they paid so dearly to give to us.

If we truly want to honor our fallen heroes we need to get involved in the political process.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Need for Time of National Repentance?

In the men's Sunday School class that I teach we have been going through some of the Old Testament prophets. One theme that is seen over and over again is "Repentance".

Looking at the events that have happened to this nation, I wonder if we need a time of national repentance?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


By BETSY MCCAUGHEY (from The New York Post, May 24, 2011)

In today's special election for the 26th
district US House seat in western New York, Democrats are trying out a tactic
they're sure to use nationwide in 2012 -- the obscenely false claim that they will save "Medicare as we know it" from Republican efforts to reform it.

The truth is, the Obama health law, passed by Democrats last year, already eviscerated Medicare -- though seniors won't feel the effects for some time. And the reform plan Democrats are attacking -- Rep. Paul Ryan's entitlement-reform vision -- would undo much of the damage, while charting a new course to ensure Medicare doesn't run out of money.

"Medicare as we know it" can't survive ObamaCare's cuts of $575 billion from the program's funding over the next decade. Just as outrageous is that the Obama law stole $410 billion of those
"savings" to expand eligibility for Medicaid.

It's like robbing Peter to pay Paul -- but it's robbing Grandma to create a whole new class of government dependants.

The nation needs to spend less on government, and entitlement reform is key. Instead, the ObamaCare law starts new entitlements -- with its vast expansion of Medicaid and a new insurance program for the middle class -- then imposes sacrifices on seniors to (partly) pay for these new obligations.

The administration's own actuaries say Medicare will spend $14,731 per senior in 2019, instead of $16,162 if the health law hadn't passed. That's less care for seniors. Richard Foster, the chief actuary for Medicare, testified to Congress that the Obama law makes such severe cuts that some
hospitals may stop taking Medicare.

Such cuts might be justifiable if the "savings" extended Medicare's financial life, as President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius often claim. In fact, the Obama law just pays less to those who treat Medicare patients, then uses the cash for something else entirely. Raiding Medicare leaves less money to care for future retirees.

So what can that next generation, retiring a decade from now, count on? The Obama law puts those decision in the hands of an unelected board called the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB -- a cost-cutting panel.

The board is a radical departure from Medicare as we've known it. On the pretext that budgeting decisions should be shielded from outraged seniors and political pressures, the Democratic Congress handed nearly all control of Medicare spending to IPAB. In April, the president reiterated that the board would decide what care is "unnecessary" for seniors, and added that he wants its unprecedented powers increased.

Last week, Obama indicated that he'd like to reduce the deficit by taking another $200 billion from Medicare over the next decade. That would be IPAB's job, too.

Yet IPAB is drawing fire from many who pushed hard for the ObamaCare law -- including the AARP and Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.).

Ryan's reform, passed by House Republicans early this year, would repeal the ObamaCare law in full, thereby restoring the $575 stolen from Medicare and ending IPAB. But, to keep the program sustainable in the decades ahead, the Ryan plan would (starting in 2022) give each new Medicare enrollee a choice of private health plans and pay a premium to the policy chosen. He argues that seniors would be safer choosing their own health plan rather than putting their care in the hands of the cost-cutting IPAB panel.

Let's hope voters examine the plain facts -- because one thing is clear: Obama and the Democratic Party are not saving Medicare "as we know it."

Betsy McCaughey is the author of "The Obama Health Law: What It Says and How To Overturn It."

Monday, May 23, 2011

Time to Change Some Old Stereotyoes

You have heard them, those same old stereotyped attacks, "The Republicans only want to give tax breaks to the Rich", "The GOP want to take away Medicaid, Social Security, School Lunches, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah." I don't know about you but I get so sick of hearing that baloney over and over again and no one ever seems to confront it with the truth, that all of that is a flat out lie.

I don't know how the 26th Congressional race will turn out (we'll all find out tomorrow) or the local races this fall but it has to become our focus to change these misconceptions. I'm not rich but don't try to trick me with this class-envy garbage. This all goes back to property rights and the purpose of government. Both are lost concepts in this dumbed-down age.

I've written about property rights before so I won't get into that again. But I have to ask, "Who gave the government the right to redistribute wealth"? I don't think anyone did. They just assumed that they had the right. It goes back to the first 3 decades of the 2oth century, when the elite became enamored with the ideas of Marx and Engle. It actually goes back farther than that when the top European colleges and seminaries moved away from biblical concepts and took the ideas of the rationalists and secular humanists. There those ideas were disseminated to minds full of mush. Unfortunately those mush-minds were very well connected and moved into places of leadership in government and academia. There those ideas became part of new American thought.

As I have written before the Founding Fathers knew and accepted the Bible as the Word of God, even those who some try to make out as only "deists". While many had trouble living by the Bible , they at least understood it and knew that it was the only hope of making this new system work.

Most of the problems we have as a nation go back to the days when Americans set aside the ideas of our Founding Fathers and became enamored with European ideas. Makes you wonder, "Why do some many want to Europeanize us"?

More later on what is the function of government.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Webster says:OBSESSION

: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling; broadly : compelling motivation obsession with profits>
In this case it is an obsession with "THE MACHINE". (dah, dah, dahhhh)
I look at the website: Political Class Dismissed when I need a good laugh. If you have ever looked at it then you understand "Obsession". The blogger there, political hack and skilled fantasy writer, Jim Ostrowski is obsessed. To him the most evil thing in the world is "THE MACHINE". (dah, dah, dahhhh)
Now I understand that those who are political party executives and party leaders are not perfect. Frankly, they often show an incredible amount of ineptitude and arrogance mixed with a Machiavellian corruptness. They control the money. They control the endorsements. They do have a lot of power. They are symbols of the Old Way of doing things, when most people didn't really know or care about the political process. I agree that it is a way that needs to go because it does exclude most people from the process.
BUT to be so fixed on "THE MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) that nothing else matters then you are "obsessed". It is especially strange when it is only one "MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) that seems to bother him, the GOP one. So obsessed is he that he doesn't mind if the DEM "MACHINE" (dah, dah, dahhhh) uses him and the rest of the Sour Grapes Coalition to put a liberal democrat into an office that has been a dominated by the GOP. He doesn't care if conservative or libertarian values are trashed as long as "THE MACHINE" (dah,dah, dahhhh) is beaten. Prop up a businessman with strong liberal leanings whose only platform is to use tariffs to suppress trade. A policy that any REAL libertarian rejects because it destroys the "FREE-MARKET" and increases the cost of goods and services. Put the TEA PARTY label on him and do everything you can to deceive the public. It's O.K. because all these are inconsequential because you must beat "THE MACHINE". (dah,dah, dahhhh)
I believe with all my heart the he and the other members of the TPC are doing a great disservice to the people of the 26th district and the Tea Party cause in general. I know that things need to be fixed and I think we can do it without betraying REAL, CORE TEA PARTY VALUES which he is replacing with his obsession.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Letter to "you know who you are."

Old Proverb - It's better to have people wonder if you are a fool than to open your mouth and to prove that you are.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An Open Letter to Tony


While I agree with the fact that there are problems with the party, just being right isn’t always enough. The idea is to change the way people think and if no one will listen to you, what good will it do? A lesson from history – Franklin and Adams had the same goal on their mission to France (to get French support for the revolution). Who made it happen? The diplomat or the non-diplomat? The Diplomat. Adams was so impatient that he was removed from France. There is a time and a place for impassioned rhetoric and a time and place for diplomacy. The wise man knows what time it is and how to act. If you come across with a condescending attitude, If you disrupt meetings to show your contempt, why would anyone take you seriously? Be wise.

A second point.

If the machine supports the most tea party of all the candidates why support a
non-tea party candidate just to spite them. Jack Davis is not tea party! I saw the Peter Schiff video you put up. If Peter is right (and he is) how can you support Davis?

You and your cohorts seem to think that there is gong to be this ground-swell where people will suddenly rise up and threw off the oppression of "The Machine". Again history is not on your side. Jefferson correctly wrote that people will endure difficult situations as long as it is tolerable because they don't like change very much. There will be no ground-swell. The situation is bad but to most it is not intolerable. The only thing that Davis will do is allow a Liberal Democrat take the office. I do wonder if the DEMs aren't paying Jack to run. It is the only way they could have had a chance of winning. Are you encouraged by the thought that you are being played by "The Other Machine"? At least Jim and Dave made a few bucks on the deal. Were you and Allen able to cash in to?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

America's Greatest Need

I teach an adult men's Sunday School Class. I pray about what to teach before I start a new series. In the last year year and a half I believe the Lord led me to the Old Testament Prophets. We have gone through Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, and Obadiah so far and about to start Jonah. I am becoming more and more convinced that if America is going to stand, Christians first and foremost need to get right with the Lord. Look at the way God deals with nations. He tolerates sin for only so long.

We as Americans have been so proud of ourselves. So many think, "We're the Greatest Nation to ever exist! Look at what we have done! See the great nation that we have built with our own hands!" See Daniel 4:30. We have trusted so much in our military might. Who could defeat us?

The nation of Edom was also very proud. They had an impenetrable city, Petra. They thought on one could get in. They were wrong. They turn on their brother. Edomites were descendants of Esau, the brother of Jacob. They joined in the sacking of Jerusalem, even keeping people from escaping. God judged them. Read Obadiah.

Israel under King Jeroboam II was enjoying great success in every area but one. That area was the spiritual one. They had continued in the sin of Jeroboam I and added Baal and Molech. With those came temple prostitution and child sacrifice. Merchants cheated their customers. The poor were bought and sold to pay off their debt. Israel thought they were untouchable too. They were wrong. See the book of Amos.

America has been blessed. We can be cursed. Are we really any better than those 2 nations?

I have to examine myself. You have to examine yourself. Our only hope is the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
If you are not sure that you have eternal life, you can be. Here is the simple road to heaven - the Romans Road.
1. We are all sinners before God. Romans 3;23, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:10, "There is none righteous, no not one."
2. Because you are a sinner you are worthy of God's wrath and condemnation. Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death..."
What can you do? You can DO nothing. Because the work has already been done.
3. Romans 5:8 says, "But God commended His love to us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
4. Romans 6:23 finish "... but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
5. How does this gift become yours? Romans 10:9-10 say, "That if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and will believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
As Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Justified means declaried righteous.
"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be SAVED." (Sorry that's from Acts not Romans)
Put your trust in the finished work of Christ. He paid the price that we could not.
America's Greatest need is to return to our national motto of "In God we trust." To do it in not just word but in deed.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tea Party Principle part 3

Can anyone explain:

How are “balanced trade”, tariffs, and tax increases that they
cause part of the tea party movement or free-market thinking?

Aren’t tariffs a source of government revenue i.e., a tax?

How does increasing the cost of all goods and services
benefit the consumer?

How does a “Tea Party” candidate embrace these things and
still get the support of other “tea party” people?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Tea Principle Part 2

There have been a lot of accusations thrown in the last year by some tea party people, that others have sold out because they worked with the GOP. Well, they may have violated one of your pet principles but they have not violated the “Tea Party” Principle. I firmly believe that some in the “TEA PARTY” movement need to set aside their own pet principles and remember what the real “TEA PARTY” principle is.

Now some of the most venomous accusers have jumped on to the Davis bandwagon, even selling their services to him. This is especially humorous considering the supposed libertarian leanings of some. Even a quick look at the icon of libertarian economic thought, the Mises Institute and its website will show that the libertarian view point and Jack’s are in completely the opposite direction from one another. You know what they say, “Anything for a dime”, or is it 500,000 dimes? It seems to me that they sold out the true tea party principle.

The question must be asked, “Who is the sell-out?”

The Tea Principle Part 1

So much has been made by some as to what “Tea Party” principles are. So many have co-opted
the name to make it fit their own ideas that many really do not know what those principles are.

To understand this you have to go to the beginning. Yes, that’s right way back to December 16, 1773. What was that about? Was it about political machines? NO! Was it about monetary policy? NO! Was it about the FED (Federal Reserve Board)? NO! It was about taxes! Our Founding Fathers were upset about taxes. They didn’t want to pay more taxes, so they threw the “taxed” tea into Boston Harbor. Did you get that? Taxes. Now we have a lot of problems that need to be addressed but the one, the only “TEA PARTY” principle is TAXES and being opposed to them!!!!!!!

This leads us to the “Tea Party” candidate for congress in the 26th district, Jack Davis. Jack is a one-trick pony. He has one issue and only one that he cares about and that is TRADE. Oh, you will see he has other positions but they aren’t his. I think I know who wrote those for him. But Jack is a one-trick pony. His trick is trade. What is his position on his one-trick? To understand this we need to go back, not to 1773 but back to when Jack was running before.

This leads us to a recent Blog. I appreciate when someone points out something that many have overlooked. On the website, The Lonely Conservative, Sam Foster went back and looked at Jack’s one-trick position in the past. It seems that Jack is for “Balanced Trade”. What is “Balanced Trade”? It is the
imposition of balancing tariffs on all imported goods. What is a “tariff”? Webster’s says,

Tariff- 1a: a schedule of duties imposed by a government on imported or in some countries exported goods b: a duty or rate of duty imposed in such a schedule

2: a schedule of rates or charges of a business or a public utility

3: price, charge

What is a “duty”? Webster’s says,

Duty - 4: tax; especially: a tax on imports

It’s a what? A TAX? Remember the one and only, the true and original “TEA PARTY” principle? It was Taxes and being opposed to them. SO IF JACK WANTS TO INCREASE TAXES, HOW IS HE A TEA PARTY GUY? It’s pretty clear that he isn’t.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wall Street Journal gets it Right!

The Wall Street Journal Review and Outlook page gets it right. In a review of our president's speech of April 13th they call him "The Presidential Divider".

He is the most unqualified, Un-American person to ever hold the office!!

If God gives us the leadership we deserve, then we need to repent and get right with Him. Right Now!!! God help us with Barry in the White House.

Monday, April 11, 2011

One Year After.

Last April the Tea Party Coalition of Western New York collapsed. Most of the groups that had been involved got out. Since that time words and accusations have been flying back and forth. The event that led to this collapse has been disputed ever since. I wrote about this in one of my earliest posts and in the Buffalo Pundit. I wrote what I saw. I added a little commentary and opinion but it was mostly what I saw. Over the weekend things seem to have gotten a little worse. I know that some current members of the Tea Party Coalition have an incredible amount of bitterness which spills over it the most outrageous comments in their blogs and google groups. One of the members that I still like has started to come out with some strange things. He points to the Tuesday before the collapse as "Black Tuesday". It was the day that leaders decided to let the man who had been the Erie County Republican Chairman to seek the endorsement of the Tea Party group. Now in all honesty, there wasn't anyway on God's green earth that he would have gotten the endorsement. But some people freaked. One of the people that freaked was a candidate for the office; the other was his paid consultant. (Of course, no one know that relationship until later.) In response to this they tried to lie to the group and deceive it into doing something that would meet their own ends. You know the old "quick get them do this before they know what's happening." To my friend, letting someone try to do something that he will never be able to do is worse that lying and trying to deceive your friends. I don't understand that. To me "Black Tuesday" was a "Beige Tuesday" at best and that a very light shade of beige. But bitterness and anger have continued to the joy of outsiders who don't like us and don't support our views. It makes us look like the lunatics they think we are. Maybe some of us are?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Someone Forgot to Tell Me.

One of the more laughable things I heard from the "well-respected" Green Party Candidate, Ian Murphy was that at least he wasn't a millionaire. I guess I wasn't paying attention on the day that they taught that being a millionaire was bad. I am a Tea Party guy. I'm a Tea Party guy because I believe in the principles of our founding Fathers. Yes, I know they were not perfect but their principles were well founded. When Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we were endowed with certain unalienable rights he made sure that people knew that the one endowing was God. He also put in a phase that most people seem to forget. When we speak of our unalienable rights we tend to think that there are three: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The forgotten phase is "...that among these are...". This means that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are among the unalienable rights. This means that there are more. One of these is one that Jefferson chose to replace in the list. He borrowed the first two items in his list of three from John Locke, the 18th century English philosopher. Locke's list included "estate."

What is "Estate?" Simply, it is the right to use the fruit of your labor. Meaning that there is this thing called property rights. You know, what is yours is yours. It belongs to you. It does not belong to a king, a president, a congress, your country, or even your neighbor!!! The government does not have the right to take what is yours and give it to your neighbor. Whether you are poor or rich. Whether you have a lot or a little. It's yours, not your neighbors. Now, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that you shouldn't give to help others. It is yours. You have that right and a caring person feels an obligation to help those who don't have. That is what "love" is all about. What I am saying is that no government has the right to decide how much you can have. You have the right to keep what you have earned and control it. That is "Estate" and that is an Unalienable Right. Some people either don't remember that or just don't care especially when it's your "estate"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How powerful is your God?

I believe in the existence of an eternal, all-knowing, unchangeable, all-powerful God. The God that that I believe in is the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Jesus. He is so powerful that He doesn't need me to defend Him. If someone says anything bad about Him it's His problem to take care of. Would I like it if they didn't? Of course, I don't want them to . But a living, real, all-powerful God doesn't need me or anyone else to defend Him. He is stronger than I am. He knows better than I do about how to "take care of " that person. Some questions for those Muslims who are killing people because someone burned a Koran , "Are you so insecure in your faith than you can't accept any questioning?" "Is the god that you believe in so impotent that you must defend him?" "Haven't you proved the pastor right when he said that the Koran leads to violence?" If you believe that "Allah" is all powerful then let him take care of those who desecrate his book. I know that the Creator of heaven and earth doesn't need me to stickup for Him.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What a Reminder!

Sometimes I guess we need a reminder of just how weak, fragile, and impotent we are. You know, like we build an unsinkable ship and what happens? It sinks. This week we got the reminder again. What country in most prepared for serious earthquakes? That's right, Japan.

In spite of all the preparation the Japanese have been hit with an incredible disaster. It's not that I'm laughing or amused by what is happening. I am just reminded of my own weak, fragile, and impotent I am.

In Proverbs 27:1 we are told, "Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." I'm not some "prophet of doom " or something like that. I do know that death is a reality for all of us and that none of us knows when.

We need to start examining ourselves to see if we are walking as the Lord wants us to walk. I am convinced that it is time for believers to get right with the Lord. None of us know how much time we have left. Now is the time. How many more reminders do you need?

Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm back!!! At least today.

It's been a while since I've written. Between school work, shoveling snow, and being sick for what seemed like 2 months I haven't thought about writing anything. Of course, it could also be that it took awhile to get over the disappointment of the November elections, locally. After seeing so many people put so much effort into several campaigns and to see the same results was very discouraging. I think I'm over it now.

I have been thinking a lot about what has been going on locally, across the country, and around the world. Frankly, I would be surprised if the things happening now aren't setting up the end times scenarios of the Bible.

Locally, the stepping down of Chris Lee certainly seems to have brought out the worst in some people. We all know that the GOP county chairmen wouldn't take long to show that they are in charge. Jane Corwin isn't a bad choice but it might have been good to examine a few people before jumping to Jane.

As far as a third party candidate, David Bellavia seems to have attracted some tea party support but I have a question, "Where was Dave last fall?" I don't ever remember seeing his name before last week. Shouldn't the tea parties support someone who has supported them? And besides being a very decorated Vet what has he done? I may not be a "decorated" Vet, but I am a vet. Does that make me a good candidate? hummmm???? Oh, never mind.

In Wisconsin the legislature is trying to end state employee's collective bargaining rights. Here's an idea - allow them to keep the right to collectively bargain but don't allow them as unions to lobby, support candidates, advertise (I'd love this here - no more Danny Donahue), form PACs, have private unions do these things for them, or be able to join national labor unions. I know the unions wouldn't like this but I think it could be workable.

Around the world, what was the spark the set the Muslim world ablaze? I don't remember. Was there one? The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if this could be manufacture by people who would benefit by having say, oil prices skyrocket. Nah, no one would be like that.

I'm still disappointed with the man who has the title of President of the United States. I know he is not natural born. Both parents were not U.S. citizens. This is a problem but I am really tired of Presidents ignoring the law just because they don't like it. The Defence Of Marriage Act is the law. Do you job, Barry.

I guess I have vented enough for now. I close with a prayer. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.